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Lawrence C. Smith

USA Affairs
Attorney and Counselor At Law

Lawrence C. Smith is a sole practitioner of law in Washington DC. , concentrating in international transactions, commercial transactions (Metal Markets) governmental relations and representations and the export and import of commodities.   Mr. Smith has advised emerging governments and institutions in many areas of trade and development, including privatizing state-owned enterprises. He has an extensive background in international trade, business, and the law. An example of client/projects includes assisting the Zambian Government in privatizing its state-owned enterprises and issuing its first Public Flotation; Bell Atlantic’s ascertainment of strategic acquisition of telecommunication facilities in South Africa; Protea Hotels’ expansion; US gaming interest in South Africa;  W.P. Malan Group development of office blocks in Southern Africa; Pastors for peace who provide food and medicine and conflict resolution globally through the World Council Of Churches ; Congolese Rally for Democracy which is one of the viable political parties that negotiated  peace and transitional government and a constitution in the Republic Of the Congo; Bafokeng peoples land / platinum rights / imperial mines before the International Court in the Hague. Mr. Smith has travelled extensively throughout; Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America.         
Mr. Smith ‘s governmental service includes serving as staff counsel to the House District Subcommittee, Charles Diggs (D-MI), 1975-1977, and in the Office of Public Counsel / Interstate Commerce Commission in the area of federal transportation law affecting shippers in the states of Indiana and California during the Penn Central Bankruptcy 1973-1975.  Mr. Smith was Assistant to the Dean and Professor, Antioch School of Law, and Professor of Business Law at American University, Washington, DC from 1979-1985 and currently serves as a Administrative Law Judge, The District Of Columbia, Board Of Real Property Assessments and Appeals.         
Mr. Smith has worked in a number of local and national political campaigns over the years.  Mr. Smith belongs to several academic, professional, business and social organizations, a native Californian, graduated from California State at Long Beach in 1967 with a B.A. in Economics and graduated in 1973 from the George Washington University National Law Center, where he was the only J.D. candidate to be accepted as an Urban Law Fellow. Member of ASA.  


the Xcinquemilians decided to go on a quest, to Parts Uncharted, using a sailing vessel as their transport means.  But before they can travel, they have to find the ideal vessel, with help of 'Le Druid', they investigate their options, to build or not to build, that is their question. For what it looks like, their needs exceed the specifications of many vessels, their first quest is to find a place and design to build. They call in the help of the 'El Capitano', a naval architect in Enkhausen, Holland.

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